August 12, 2024
Next Cup Round.
Can I please remind the following clubs that the next round of the league cup is Friday 20th Sept and to ensure someone is available to provide refreshements and provide jacks and measures etc.
Barton, Out Rawcliffe, Stalmine and Hambleton are the neutral greens required for that date so please make sure you have someone available to open your greens.
August 12, 2024
Presentation Dinner.
We have had a lot of feedback from league members, with most conveying unhappiness at the lack of choice for the cost of the ticket. We have been back in contact with the venue to pass on this feedback and have managed to arrange a meal choice at no extra cost to yourselves.
This years presentation dinner has been arranged for 21st October 24 at Wyrebank arriving 12 noon for a 12.30pm start. The price to be charged to members is ;30 per head.
The menu consists of :
Starter - Trio of Melon with Raspberry Coulis or Soup
Main - Roast Beef with Yorkshire Pudding dinner or Chicken Supreme
The vegetarian option is Mushroom Wellington served with Mashed Potato and Seasonal Vegetables.
Dessert - Sticky Toffee Pudding served with Local Ice Cream or Eton Mess - Tea, Coffee ; Mints
We require your choice of meal by 30.9.24 to enable numbers and food selection to be given in good time to the venue so please advise choice and names to the Treasurer (Bryan Cookson), 71 Pottery Gardens, Lancaster. LA1 3TB, and make payment in full either by cheque (made payable to ;Over Wyre Veterans Bowling League;), or, preferably, by bank transfer to: Sort Code 01-03-33. Account no. 13312235 (the account name should show as ;OVER WYRE VETERA;). Please reference the payment as eg ;Galgate A;. Payments must reach the Treasurer by no later than 30 September, 2024. If anyone requires further information or has any questions please contact either Bryan - or myself - and we will do our best to assist.
July 10, 2024
Cup games.
Just a reminder that Cup games are played on neutral greens so somebody from that club needs to open up.