Home : Blackpool & Wyre Ladies Evening Bowling League - 2024
Homepage Blackpool & Wyre Ladies Evening Bowling League - 2024

Blackpool & Wyre Ladies Evening Bowling League - 2024

  • Last Updated. Thursday 25th July 2024, 20:58
  • Latest League News
  • June 18, 2024
    Brian Hilton Cup Match.
    Unfortunatly the Brian Hilton cup match has been cancelled due to lack of support

  • May 02, 2024
    Jubilee Gardens.
    Jubilee Gardens will now be playing home games on their own green

  • May 02, 2024
    late results.
    I pologise for the reults being late I have had a virus on my computer
  • About
  • The site is primarily focused on delivering a comprehensive results service for the
    Blackpool & Wyre Ladies Evening Bowling League
    Please use the menu buttons, on the left, to navigate this site. Enjoy
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